My colleagues and I launched CVS’s first RMN agency, crafting creative for national and global brands. Ads ran across their digital network and beyond.
Time Frame
Summer 2024
Drive flu vaccinations in early fall 2024
CVS Media Exchange
Sr. Designer
Creative Director
Allison Volpicelli
Jake Grauds
Project Manager
Issa Reyes-Lao
Jack Savage
- Art Direction
- Attention to Detail
- Concepting
- Design
- Strategy

The Challenge: Drive seasonal vaccination to CVS while updating legacy banners to incorporate elements from a new enterprise brand direction.
The Solution: A flu shot should be a no-brainer. I built a flexible system for different vaccines, messages, and target markets. Color and copy separate each market, and white space represents the breathing room you get from vaccination.

How I got there

We assessed the 2023 campaign (left & center) and current in-store signage (right), and decided to simplify.
Strategy: A bandaid always follows a shot. The branded icon makes the campaign easy to recognize, tying it to both CVS and in-store signage. The generous white space and empathetic colors pop it against nearby content, increasing campaign visibility.

I started an exploration with form and color, looking for a compelling way to tie the heart to the bandaid.

After simplifying the form, I tried to activate the space in a variety of ways. The gradient was meant to represent breath, but it overwhelmed the image, rather than calming it.

I kept experimenting. Ironically, letting go of the metaphor is what allowed the design to breathe.

With a clear working direction I tested the design with other copy and colors.