
Retouching fixes what you didn’t, or couldn’t, do in the first place. I have two basic feelings about it. One is practical, one philosophical. They’re both important. I think retouching should be subtle, so my whole approach is subtle.

First, I think the more of a photograph you can make in front of the camera, the more interesting it is. So I prioritize that. When something’s not possible or practical, retouching closes the gap.

Second, photography is storytelling. There’s a you (the person who moves through the world) and a story of you (how people think of you). They’re not quite the same, and we can decide how similar or different they should be.

A headshot sets professional expectations for a boss or client. The story should closely match who you are so you can meet or exceed those expectations. It’s you, on your best day.

After we style your hair, clothes, lighting, and expression as you actually are, I clean up the little things that don’t support the story (see below). No one would even notice them in real life, but in a picture—where the details are frozen and you have time to look—they’re loud and in the way.

A creative portrait is different. It can be metaphorical—maybe emphasizing a part of your personality. We might make you look less like you, if it serves the story we want to tell.


  • Eye size & shape
  • Bone structure
  • Inconsistent skin tones
  • Wrinkles
  • Flyaway hairs


  • Zits
  • Scratches on glasses
  • Certain shadows
  • Stray eyelashes & beard hairs
  • Razor burns
← As-shot
Retouched →